All files / packages/tools/src/utilities triggerAnnotationRender.ts

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import {
} from '@cornerstonejs/core';
import { Events, ToolModes } from '../enums';
import { draw as drawSvg } from '../drawingSvg';
import getToolsWithModesForElement from './getToolsWithModesForElement';
import { AnnotationRenderedEventDetail } from '../types/EventTypes';
const { Active, Passive, Enabled } = ToolModes;
 * AnnotationRenderingEngine is a class that is responsible for rendering
 * annotations defined in the renderAnnotation method of annotation tools on the page.
 * It mimics the RenderingEngine in the Cornerstone Core. Here it uses requestAnimationFrame
 * is used to render annotations by calling renderAnnotations() on each enabled tool. Note: This
 * is a Singleton class and should not be instantiated directly. To trigger
 * an annotation render for an HTML element containing a viewport you can use
 * ```
 * triggerAnnotationRender(element)
 * ```
class AnnotationRenderingEngine {
  public hasBeenDestroyed: boolean;
  private _needsRender: Set<HTMLDivElement> = new Set();
  private _animationFrameSet = false;
  private _animationFrameHandle: number | null = null;
  private _viewportElements: Map<string, HTMLDivElement>;
  constructor() {
    this._viewportElements = new Map();
   * Add the viewport's HTMLDivElement to the viewports for rendering. This method
   * just informs the annotationRenderingEngine about the viewport and
   * does not initiate a render.
   * @param viewportId - Viewport Unique identifier
   * @param element - HTMLDivElement
  public addViewportElement(viewportId: string, element: HTMLDivElement) {
    this._viewportElements.set(viewportId, element);
   * Remove the viewport's HTMLDivElement from subsequent annotation renders
   * @param viewportId - Viewport Unique identifier
  public removeViewportElement(viewportId: string, element: HTMLDivElement) {
    // delete element from needsRender if element exist
    // I don' think there is any disadvantage to canceling the animation frame
    // and resetting the flags on viewport's element removal, since the removeVIewportElement
    // might be as a result of reEnabling the element (in re-enable we disable first), hence the need to render the
    // new one while removing the old one
   * It tells the AnnotationRenderingEngine to render the viewport element the next
   * time it renders.
   * @param element - The element to render.
  public renderViewport(element: HTMLDivElement): void {
   * _throwIfDestroyed Throws an error if trying to interact with the `RenderingEngine`
   * instance after its `destroy` method has been called.
  private _throwIfDestroyed() {
    Iif (this.hasBeenDestroyed) {
      throw new Error(
        'this.destroy() has been manually called to free up memory, can not longer use this instance. Instead make a new one.'
  private _renderFlaggedViewports = () => {
    const elements = Array.from(this._viewportElements.values());
    for (let i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
      const element = elements[i];
      if (this._needsRender.has(element)) {
        // This viewport has been rendered, we can remove it from the set
        // If there is nothing left that is flagged for rendering, stop here
        // and allow RAF to be called again
        if (this._needsRender.size === 0) {
    this._animationFrameSet = false;
    this._animationFrameHandle = null;
    // Call render again which will use RAF to call this function asynchronously
    // if there is any viewport that needs to be rendered because when
    // `triggerRender` is called inside the render loop a listener can flag new
    // viewports that need to be rendered and some of the viewports that were
    // already rendered can be added back to `_needsRender`.
  private _setAllViewportsToBeRenderedNextFrame() {
    const elements = [...this._viewportElements.values()];
    elements.forEach((element) => {
  private _setViewportsToBeRenderedNextFrame(elements: HTMLDivElement[]) {
    const elementsEnabled = [...this._viewportElements.values()];
    // Add the viewports to the set of flagged viewports
    elements.forEach((element) => {
      // only enabledElement need to render
      Eif (elementsEnabled.indexOf(element) !== -1) {
    // Render any flagged viewports
   * _render Sets up animation frame if necessary
  private _render() {
    // If we have viewports that need rendering and we have not already
    // set the RAF callback to run on the next frame.
    if (this._needsRender.size > 0 && this._animationFrameSet === false) {
      this._animationFrameHandle = window.requestAnimationFrame(
      // Set the flag that we have already set up the next RAF call.
      this._animationFrameSet = true;
  _triggerRender(element) {
    const enabledElement = getEnabledElement(element);
    if (!enabledElement) {
      // Happens during testing, and isn't an issue as it just means there
      // is overlap between shutdown and re-render
      // console.warn('Element has been disabled');
    const renderingEngine = getRenderingEngine(
    Iif (!renderingEngine) {
      console.warn('rendering Engine has been destroyed');
    const enabledTools = getToolsWithModesForElement(element, [
    const { renderingEngineId, viewportId } = enabledElement;
    const eventDetail: AnnotationRenderedEventDetail = {
    // const enabledToolsWithAnnotations = enabledTools.filter((tool) => {
    //   const annotations = getAnnotations(tool.getToolName(), {FrameOfReferenceUID});
    //   return annotations && annotations.length;
    // });
    drawSvg(element, (svgDrawingHelper) => {
      let anyRendered = false;
      const handleDrawSvg = (tool) => {
        if (tool.renderAnnotation) {
          const rendered = tool.renderAnnotation(
          anyRendered = anyRendered || rendered;
       * We should be able to filter tools that don't have annotations, but
       * currently some of tools have renderAnnotation method BUT
       * don't keep annotation in the state, so if we do so, the tool will not be
       * rendered.
      if (anyRendered) {
        triggerEvent(element, Events.ANNOTATION_RENDERED, { ...eventDetail });
   * _reset Resets the `RenderingEngine`
  private _reset() {
    this._animationFrameSet = false;
    this._animationFrameHandle = null;
const annotationRenderingEngine = new AnnotationRenderingEngine();
 * It triggers the rendering of the annotations for the given HTML element using
 * the `AnnotationRenderingEngine`
 * @param element - The element to render the annotation on.
function triggerAnnotationRender(element: HTMLDivElement): void {
export { annotationRenderingEngine, triggerAnnotationRender };
export default triggerAnnotationRender;