All files / packages/tools/src/utilities getViewportsForAnnotation.ts

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import { getEnabledElements, utilities as csUtils } from '@cornerstonejs/core';
import type { Types } from '@cornerstonejs/core';
import type { Annotation } from '../types';
const { isEqual } = csUtils;
 * Finds a all matching viewports in terms of the orientation of the annotation data
 * and the frame of reference. This doesn't mean the annotation IS being displayed
 * on these viewports, just that it could be by navigating the slice, and/or pan/zoom,
 * without changing the orientation.
 * @param annotation - Annotation to find the viewports that it could display in
 * @returns All viewports to display in
export default function getViewportsForAnnotation(
  annotation: Annotation
): (Types.IStackViewport | Types.IVolumeViewport)[] {
  const { metadata } = annotation;
  return getEnabledElements()
    .filter((enabledElement) => {
      Eif (enabledElement.FrameOfReferenceUID === metadata.FrameOfReferenceUID) {
        const viewport = enabledElement.viewport;
        const { viewPlaneNormal, viewUp } = viewport.getCamera();
        return (
          isEqual(viewPlaneNormal, metadata.viewPlaneNormal) &&
          (!metadata.viewUp || isEqual(viewUp, metadata.viewUp))
    .map((enabledElement) => enabledElement.viewport);