Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
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It was actually a native volume and we need to decache it, this is a bit more // complicated since then we need to decide on the imageIds for it to get // decached to const hasCachedImages = segmentationVolume.imageCacheOffsetMap.size > 0; // Initialize the variable to hold the final result let isAllImagesCached = false; if (hasCachedImages) { // Check if every imageId in the volume is in the _imageCache isAllImagesCached = segmentationVolume.imageIds.every((imageId) => cache.getImage(imageId) ); } //Todo: This is a hack to get the rendering engine const renderingEngine = getRenderingEngines()[0]; const volumeUsedInOtherViewports = renderingEngine .getVolumeViewports() .find((vp) => vp.hasVolumeId(volumeId)); segmentationVolume.decache(!volumeUsedInOtherViewports && isAllImagesCached); const imageIdReferenceMap = _getImageIdReferenceMapForStackSegmentation(segmentationVolume); // check if the imageIds have been cache, if not we should actually copy return { imageIdReferenceMap }; } // Updated original function to call the new separate functions export async function convertVolumeToStackSegmentation({ segmentationId, options, }: { segmentationId: string; options?: { toolGroupId: string; newSegmentationId?: string; removeOriginal?: boolean; }; }): Promise<void> { const segmentation = getSegmentation(segmentationId); const data = segmentation.representationData .LABELMAP as LabelmapSegmentationDataVolume; const { imageIdReferenceMap } = await computeStackSegmentationFromVolume({ volumeId: data.volumeId, }); await updateStackSegmentationState({ segmentationId, toolGroupId: options.toolGroupId, imageIdReferenceMap, options, }); } /** * Converts a volume segmentation to a stack segmentation. * * @param params - The parameters for the conversion. * @param params.segmentationId - The segmentationId to convert. * @param [params.options] - The conversion options. * @param params.options.toolGroupId - The new toolGroupId that the new segmentation will belong to. * @param [params.options.newSegmentationId] - The new segmentationId to use for the segmentation. If not provided, a new ID will be generated. * @param [params.options.removeOriginal] - Whether or not to remove the original segmentation. Defaults to true. * * @returns A promise that resolves when the conversion is complete. */ export async function updateStackSegmentationState({ segmentationId, toolGroupId, imageIdReferenceMap, options, }: { segmentationId: string; toolGroupId: string; imageIdReferenceMap: Map<any, any>; options?: { removeOriginal?: boolean; }; }): Promise<void> { const segmentation = getSegmentation(segmentationId); if (options?.removeOriginal) { const data = segmentation.representationData .LABELMAP as LabelmapSegmentationDataVolume; if (cache.getVolume(data.volumeId)) { cache.removeVolumeLoadObject(data.volumeId); } segmentation.representationData.LABELMAP = { imageIdReferenceMap, }; } else { segmentation.representationData.LABELMAP = { ...segmentation.representationData.LABELMAP, imageIdReferenceMap, }; } await addSegmentationRepresentations(toolGroupId, [ { segmentationId, type: SegmentationRepresentations.Labelmap, }, ]); triggerSegmentationRender(toolGroupId); eventTarget.addEventListenerOnce(Events.SEGMENTATION_RENDERED, () => triggerSegmentationDataModified(segmentationId) ); } function _getImageIdReferenceMapForStackSegmentation( segmentationVolume: Types.IImageVolume ) { // There might be or might not be segmentationImageIds, if it is a volume // segmentation converted from stack segmentation, there will be segmentationImageIds // otherwise, if it is empty volume segmentation derived from // a volume that is not a stack, there will be no segmentationImageIds if (segmentationVolume.additionalDetails?.imageIdReferenceMap) { // this means the segmentation volume is derived from a stack segmentation // and we can use the imageIdReferenceMap from the additionalDetails return segmentationVolume.additionalDetails.imageIdReferenceMap; } else if ( segmentationVolume.referencedImageIds?.length && !segmentationVolume.referencedImageIds[0].startsWith('derived') ) { // this means the segmentation volume is derived from a stack segmentation // and we can use the referencedImageIds from the segmentationVolume const referencedImageIds = segmentationVolume.referencedImageIds; const segmentationImageIds = segmentationVolume.imageIds; return createImageIdReferenceMap( referencedImageIds, [...segmentationImageIds].reverse() ); } else { // check if the segmentation volume is derived from another volume and // whether if that volume has imageIds const referencedVolumeId = segmentationVolume.referencedVolumeId; const referencedVolume = cache.getVolume(referencedVolumeId); if (!referencedVolume) { throw new Error( 'Cannot convert volumetric segmentation without referenced volume to stack segmentation yet' ); } if (!referencedVolume?.imageIds?.length) { throw new Error( 'Cannot convert volumetric segmentation without imageIds to stack segmentation yet' ); } if (referencedVolume.imageIds?.[0].startsWith('derived')) { throw new Error( `Cannot convert volume segmentation that is derived from another segmentation to stack segmentation yet, include the additionalDetails.imageIdReferenceMap in the volume segmentation in case you need it for the conversion` ); } // if the referenced volume has imageIds, and itself is not derived from // another segmentation then we can use the imageIds from the referenced volume const referencedImageIds = referencedVolume.imageIds; let segmentationImageIdsToUse = segmentationVolume.imageIds; if (!segmentationImageIdsToUse?.length) { // If segmentation Ids don't exist it means that the segmentation is literally // just a volume so we need to assume imageIds and decache it to the _imageCache // so that it can be used for the conversion segmentationImageIdsToUse = segmentationVolume.convertToImageSlicesAndCache(); } return createImageIdReferenceMap( referencedImageIds, [...segmentationImageIdsToUse].reverse() ); } } |