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An event will only be triggered if the locked state * of the given annotation instance changed. * @param locked - A boolean value indicating if the instance should * be locked (true) or not (false) */ function setAnnotationLocked(annotation: Annotation, locked = true): void { const detail = makeEventDetail(); Eif (annotation) { Iif (locked) { lock(annotation, globalLockedAnnotationsSet, detail); } else { unlock(annotation, globalLockedAnnotationsSet, detail); } } publish(detail, globalLockedAnnotationsSet); } /** * Clears all the locked annotation * */ function unlockAllAnnotations(): void { const detail = makeEventDetail(); clearLockedAnnotationsSet(globalLockedAnnotationsSet, detail); publish(detail, globalLockedAnnotationsSet); } /** * Returns an array of all the annotation that is currently locked * @returns An array of tool specific annotation objects. * */ function getAnnotationsLocked(): Array<Annotation> { return Array.from(globalLockedAnnotationsSet); } /** * Given a Annotation object, return true if it is locked. * @param annotation - Annotation * @returns A boolean value. */ function isAnnotationLocked(annotation: Annotation): boolean { return globalLockedAnnotationsSet.has(annotation); } /** * Get the number of locked annotation objects in the global set of locked annotation * objects. * @returns The number of locked annotation objects. * */ function getAnnotationsLockedCount(): number { return globalLockedAnnotationsSet.size; } /** * Properly initialize the isLocked on annotation, and set it as locked if * isLocked is true. * @param annotation - The annotation object to be checked. */ function checkAndDefineIsLockedProperty(annotation: Annotation): void { Eif (annotation) { const isLocked = !!annotation.isLocked; Eif (shouldDefineIsLockedProperty(annotation)) { Object.defineProperty(annotation, 'isLocked', { configurable: false, enumerable: true, set: setIsLocked, get: getIsLocked, }); } setAnnotationLocked(annotation, isLocked); } } /* * Private Helpers */ function makeEventDetail(): AnnotationLockChangeEventDetail { return Object.freeze({ added: [], removed: [], locked: [], }); } function lock( annotation: Annotation, lockedAnnotationsSet: Set<Annotation>, detail: AnnotationLockChangeEventDetail ): void { if (!lockedAnnotationsSet.has(annotation)) { lockedAnnotationsSet.add(annotation); detail.added.push(annotation); } } function unlock( annotation: Annotation, lockedAnnotationsSet: Set<Annotation>, detail: AnnotationLockChangeEventDetail ): void { Iif (lockedAnnotationsSet.delete(annotation)) { detail.removed.push(annotation); } } function clearLockedAnnotationsSet( lockedAnnotationsSet: Set<Annotation>, detail: AnnotationLockChangeEventDetail ): void { lockedAnnotationsSet.forEach((annotation) => { unlock(annotation, lockedAnnotationsSet, detail); }); } function publish( detail: AnnotationLockChangeEventDetail, lockedAnnotationsSet: Set<Annotation> ) { Iif (detail.added.length > 0 || detail.removed.length > 0) { lockedAnnotationsSet.forEach((item) => void detail.locked.push(item)); triggerEvent(eventTarget, Events.ANNOTATION_LOCK_CHANGE, detail); } } function shouldDefineIsLockedProperty(annotation: Annotation): boolean { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(annotation, 'isLocked'); if (descriptor) { return ( descriptor.configurable && (descriptor.set !== setIsLocked || descriptor.get !== getIsLocked) ); } return Object.isExtensible(annotation); } function setIsLocked(locked: boolean) { setAnnotationLocked(this as Annotation, locked); } function getIsLocked() { return isAnnotationLocked(this as Annotation); } /* * Exports */ export { setAnnotationLocked, getAnnotationsLocked, getAnnotationsLockedCount, unlockAllAnnotations, isAnnotationLocked, checkAndDefineIsLockedProperty, }; |