All files / packages/tools/src/drawingSvg getSvgDrawingHelper.ts

83.87% Statements 26/31
62.5% Branches 10/16
100% Functions 8/8
83.87% Lines 26/31

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import { state } from '../store';
import { getEnabledElement } from '@cornerstonejs/core';
import { SVGDrawingHelper } from '../types';
const VIEWPORT_ELEMENT = 'viewport-element';
 * Returns the SVG drawing helper for the given HTML element.
 * @param element - The HTML element to get the SVG drawing helper for.
 * @private
function getSvgDrawingHelper(element: HTMLDivElement): SVGDrawingHelper {
  const enabledElement = getEnabledElement(element);
  const { viewportId, renderingEngineId } = enabledElement;
  const canvasHash = `${viewportId}:${renderingEngineId}`;
  const svgLayerElement = _getSvgLayer(element);
  // Reset touched
  Object.keys(state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash]).forEach((cacheKey) => {
    state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey].touched = false;
  return {
    svgLayerElement: svgLayerElement,
    svgNodeCacheForCanvas: state.svgNodeCache,
    getSvgNode: getSvgNode.bind(this, canvasHash),
    appendNode: appendNode.bind(this, svgLayerElement, canvasHash),
    setNodeTouched: setNodeTouched.bind(this, canvasHash),
    clearUntouched: clearUntouched.bind(this, svgLayerElement, canvasHash),
 * @param element
 * @private
function _getSvgLayer(element) {
  const viewportElement = `.${VIEWPORT_ELEMENT}`;
  const internalDivElement = element.querySelector(viewportElement);
  // Using :scope to make sure the right svg layer is selected otherwise it
  // may select one from a nested viewport (eg: AdvancedMagnifyTool).
  const svgLayer = internalDivElement.querySelector(':scope > .svg-layer');
  return svgLayer;
function getSvgNode(canvasHash, cacheKey) {
  // If state has been reset
  Iif (!state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash]) {
  if (state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey]) {
    return state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey].domRef;
function appendNode(svgLayerElement, canvasHash, svgNode, cacheKey) {
  // If state has been reset
  Iif (!state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash]) {
    return null;
  state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey] = {
    touched: true,
    domRef: svgNode,
function setNodeTouched(canvasHash, cacheKey) {
  // If state has been reset
  Iif (!state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash]) {
  Eif (state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey]) {
    state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey].touched = true;
function clearUntouched(svgLayerElement, canvasHash) {
  // If state has been reset
  if (!state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash]) {
  Object.keys(state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash]).forEach((cacheKey) => {
    const cacheEntry = state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey];
    Iif (!cacheEntry.touched && cacheEntry.domRef) {
      delete state.svgNodeCache[canvasHash][cacheKey];
export default getSvgDrawingHelper;