All files / packages/core/src/utilities loadImageToCanvas.ts

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import type {
} from '../types';
import { loadAndCacheImage } from '../loaders/imageLoader';
import * as metaData from '../metaData';
import { RequestType } from '../enums';
import imageLoadPoolManager from '../requestPool/imageLoadPoolManager';
import renderToCanvasGPU from './renderToCanvasGPU';
import renderToCanvasCPU from './renderToCanvasCPU';
import { getConfiguration } from '../init';
import cache from '../cache';
 * The original load image options specified just an image id,  which is optimal
 * for things like thumbnails rendering a single image.
export type StackLoadImageOptions = {
  imageId: string;
 * The full image load options allows specifying more parameters for both the
 * presentation and the view so that a specific view can be referenced/displayed.
export type FullImageLoadOptions = {
  viewReference: ViewReference;
  viewPresentation: ViewPresentation;
  imageId: undefined;
 * The canvas load position allows for determining the rendered position of
 * image data within the canvas, and can be used to map loaded canvas points
 * to and from other viewport positions for things like external computations
 * on the load image to canvas view and the viewport view (which may contain
 * extraneous data such as segmentation and thus not be usable for external
 * computations.)
export type CanvasLoadPosition = {
  origin: Point3;
  topRight: Point3;
  bottomLeft: Point3;
  thicknessMm: number;
 * The image canvas can be loaded/set with various view conditions to specify the initial
 * view as well as how and where ot render the image.
export type LoadImageOptions = {
  canvas: HTMLCanvasElement;
  // Define the view specification as optional here, and then incorporate specific
  // requirements in mix in types.
  imageId?: string;
  viewReference?: ViewReference;
  viewPresentation?: ViewPresentation;
  requestType?: RequestType;
  priority?: number;
  renderingEngineId?: string;
  useCPURendering?: boolean;
  // Render a thumbnail in a 256x256 viewport
  // Also set imageAspect to render thumbnail in an aspect ratio width viewport
  thumbnail?: boolean;
  // Sets the CSS width to the image aspect ratio
  imageAspect?: boolean;
  // Sets the canvas pixel size to the physical pixel size of the image area
  physicalPixels?: boolean;
  // Sets the viewport input options  Defaults to scale to fit 110%
  viewportOptions?: ViewportInputOptions;
} & (StackLoadImageOptions | FullImageLoadOptions);
 * Loads and renders an imageId to a Canvas. It will use the GPU rendering pipeline
 * for image by default but you can force the CPU rendering pipeline by setting the
 * useCPURendering parameter to true.
 * @example
 * ```
 * const canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas')
 * const imageId = 'myImageId'
 * loadImageToCanvas(canvas, imageId)
 * ```
 * @param canvas - Canvas element to render to
 * @param imageId - The imageId to render
 * @param requestType - The type of request (default to interaction), can be 'interaction' or 'prefetch' or 'thumbnail'
 * the order of loading for the pool manager is interaction, thumbnail, prefetch
 * @param priority - The priority of the request within the request type (lower is higher priority)
 * @param useCPURendering - Force the use of the CPU rendering pipeline (default to false)
 * @param thumbnail - Render a thumbnail image
 * @param imageAspect - assign the width based on the aspect ratio of the image
 * @returns - A promise that resolves when the image has been rendered with the imageId
export default function loadImageToCanvas(
  options: LoadImageOptions
): Promise<CanvasLoadPosition> {
  const {
    requestType = RequestType.Thumbnail,
    priority = -5,
    renderingEngineId = '_thumbnails',
    useCPURendering = false,
    thumbnail = false,
    imageAspect = false,
    viewportOptions: baseViewportOptions,
  } = options;
  const volumeId = viewReference?.volumeId;
  const isVolume = volumeId && !imageId;
  const viewportOptions =
    viewReference && baseViewportOptions
      ? { ...baseViewportOptions, viewReference }
      : baseViewportOptions;
  const renderFn = useCPURendering ? renderToCanvasCPU : renderToCanvasGPU;
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    function successCallback(imageOrVolume: IImage | IVolume, imageId: string) {
      const { modality } = metaData.get('generalSeriesModule', imageId) || {};
      const image = !isVolume && (imageOrVolume as IImage);
      const volume = isVolume && (imageOrVolume as IVolume);
      Eif (image) {
        image.isPreScaled = image.isPreScaled || image.preScale?.scaled;
      Iif (thumbnail) {
        canvas.height = 256;
        canvas.width = 256;
      Iif (imageAspect && image) {
        canvas.width = image && (canvas.height * image.width) / image.height;
      } = `${canvas.width / devicePixelRatio}px`; = `${canvas.height / devicePixelRatio}px`;
      Iif (volume && useCPURendering) {
        reject(new Error('CPU rendering of volume not supported'));
    function errorCallback(error: Error, imageId: string) {
      console.error(error, imageId);
    function sendRequest(imageId, imageIdIndex, options) {
      return loadAndCacheImage(imageId, options).then(
        (image) => {
, image, imageId);
        (error) => {
, error, imageId);
    const { useNorm16Texture } = getConfiguration().rendering;
    // IMPORTANT: Request type should be passed if not the 'interaction'
    // highest priority will be used for the request type in the imageRetrievalPool
    const options = {
      targetBuffer: {
        type: useNorm16Texture ? undefined : 'Float32Array',
      preScale: {
        enabled: true,
      useRGBA: !!useCPURendering,
    Iif (volumeId) {
      const volume = cache.getVolume(volumeId) as unknown as IVolume;
      if (!volume) {
        reject(new Error(`Volume id ${volumeId} not found in cache`));
      const useImageId = volume.imageIds[0];
      successCallback(volume, useImageId);
    } else {
        sendRequest.bind(null, imageId, null, options),
        { imageId },