All files / packages/core/src/utilities cacheUtils.ts

23.91% Statements 11/46
25% Branches 6/24
30% Functions 3/10
24.44% Lines 11/45

Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.

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import cache, { ImageVolume } from '../cache';
import { Events } from '../enums';
import eventTarget from '../eventTarget';
import { getConfiguration, getShouldUseSharedArrayBuffer } from '../init';
 * This function will check if the cache optimization is enabled and if it is
 * it will check if the created volume was derived from an already cached stack
 * of images, if so it will go back to the image cache and create a view at the
 * correct offset of the bigger volume array buffer, this will save memory.
 * @param volumeId - The volumeId that will be checked for cache optimization
export function setupCacheOptimizationEventListener(volumeId) {
  const { enableCacheOptimization } = getConfiguration();
  const shouldUseSAB = getShouldUseSharedArrayBuffer();
  const performOptimization = enableCacheOptimization && shouldUseSAB;
  Iif (!performOptimization) {
    (evt) => {
      if (evt.detail.volumeId !== volumeId) {
      const volume = cache.getVolume(volumeId);
 * Performs cache optimization for a volume by replacing the pixel data of each image
 * in the image cache (if found) with a view of the volume's scalar data.
 * @param options - The options for cache optimization.
 * @param options.volumeId - The ID of the volume.
export function performCacheOptimizationForVolume(volume) {
  Eif (!(volume instanceof ImageVolume)) {
  const scalarData = volume.getScalarData();
  volume.imageCacheOffsetMap.size > 0
    ? _processImageCacheOffsetMap(volume, scalarData)
    : _processVolumeImages(volume, scalarData);
 * This function will process the volume images and replace the pixel data of each
 * image in the image cache (if found) with a view of the volume's scalar data.
 * This function is used when the volume is derived from an already cached stack
 * of images.
 * @param volume - The volume to process.
 * @param scalarData - The scalar data to use for the volume.
function _processImageCacheOffsetMap(volume, scalarData) {
  volume.imageCacheOffsetMap.forEach(({ offset }, imageId) => {
    const image = cache.getImage(imageId);
    if (!image) {
    _updateImageWithScalarDataView(image, scalarData, offset);
 * This function will process the volume images and replace the pixel data of each
 * image in the image cache (if found) with a view of the volume's scalar data.
 * This function is used when the volume is not derived from an already cached stack
 * of images.
 * @param volume - The volume to process.
 * @param scalarData - The scalar data to use for the volume.
function _processVolumeImages(volume, scalarData) {
  let compatibleScalarData = scalarData;
  const sampleImageIdWithImage = volume.imageIds.find((imageId) => {
    const image = cache.getImage(imageId);
    return image;
  if (!sampleImageIdWithImage) {
  const sampleImage = cache.getImage(sampleImageIdWithImage);
  const samplePixelData =
    sampleImage.imageFrame?.pixelData || sampleImage.getPixelData();
  // Check if the types of scalarData and pixelData are different.
  if (scalarData.constructor !== samplePixelData.constructor) {
    // If so, create a new typed array of the same type as pixelData and copy the values from scalarData.
    compatibleScalarData = new samplePixelData.constructor(scalarData.length);
    // Copy values from scalarData to compatibleScalarData.
  volume.imageIds.forEach((imageId) => {
    const image = cache.getImage(imageId);
    if (!image) {
    const index = volume.getImageIdIndex(imageId);
    const offset = index * image.getPixelData().byteLength;
    _updateImageWithScalarDataView(image, compatibleScalarData, offset);
function _updateImageWithScalarDataView(image, scalarData, offset) {
  const pixelData = image.imageFrame
    ? image.imageFrame.pixelData
    : image.getPixelData();
  const view = new pixelData.constructor(
  image.getPixelData = () => view;
  if (image.imageFrame) {
    image.imageFrame.pixelData = view;
  image.bufferView = {
    buffer: scalarData.buffer,