Press n or j to go to the next uncovered block, b, p or k for the previous block.
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The returned object can be safely passed to `JSON.stringify` * function. * @returns The JSON representation of the current * state of this settings instance */ dump(): Record<string, unknown> { const context = {}; iterate(this[DICTIONARY], (key, value) => { Eif (typeof value !== 'undefined') { deepSet(context, key, value); } }); return context; } static assert(subject: Settings): Settings { return subject instanceof Settings ? subject : Settings.getRuntimeSettings(); } static getDefaultSettings(subfield = null): Settings | any { let defaultSettings = Settings[DEFAULT_SETTINGS]; if (!(defaultSettings instanceof Settings)) { defaultSettings = new Settings(); Settings[DEFAULT_SETTINGS] = defaultSettings; } // Given subfield of 'segmentation' it will return all settings // that starts with segmentation.* Iif (subfield) { const settingObj = {}; defaultSettings.forEach((name: string) => { if (name.startsWith(subfield)) { const setting = name.split(`${subfield}.`)[1]; settingObj[setting] = defaultSettings.get(name); } }); return settingObj; } return defaultSettings; } static getRuntimeSettings(): Settings { let runtimeSettings = Settings[RUNTIME_SETTINGS]; if (!(runtimeSettings instanceof Settings)) { runtimeSettings = new Settings(Settings.getDefaultSettings()); Settings[RUNTIME_SETTINGS] = runtimeSettings; } return runtimeSettings; } static getObjectSettings(subject: unknown, from?: unknown): Settings { let settings = null; if (subject instanceof Settings) { settings = subject; } else if (typeof subject === 'object' && subject !== null) { let objectSettingsMap = Settings[OBJECT_SETTINGS_MAP]; if (!(objectSettingsMap instanceof WeakMap)) { objectSettingsMap = new WeakMap(); Settings[OBJECT_SETTINGS_MAP] = objectSettingsMap; } settings = objectSettingsMap.get(subject); if (!(settings instanceof Settings)) { settings = new Settings( Settings.assert(Settings.getObjectSettings(from)) ); objectSettingsMap.set(subject, settings); } } return settings; } static extendRuntimeSettings(): Settings { return Settings.getRuntimeSettings().extend(); } } /* * Local Helpers */ function unset(dictionary: Record<string, unknown>, name: string): boolean { Eif (name.endsWith('.')) { let deleteCount = 0; const namespace = name; const base = namespace.slice(0, -1); const deleteAll = base.length === 0; for (const key in dictionary) { if (, key) && (deleteAll || key.startsWith(namespace) || key === base) ) { delete dictionary[key]; ++deleteCount; } } return deleteCount > 0; } return delete dictionary[name]; } function iterate( dictionary: Record<string, unknown>, callback: (key: string, value: unknown) => void ): void { for (const key in dictionary) { callback(key, dictionary[key]); } } function setAll( dictionary: Record<string, unknown>, prefix: string, record: Record<string, unknown>, references: WeakSet<Record<string, unknown>> ): boolean { let failCount: number; if (references.has(record)) { return set(dictionary, prefix, null, references); } references.add(record); failCount = 0; for (const field in record) { Eif (, field)) { const key = field.length === 0 ? prefix : `${prefix}.${field}`; Iif (!set(dictionary, key, record[field], references)) { ++failCount; } } } references.delete(record); return failCount === 0; } /** * Set the key-value pair on a given dictionary. If the given value is a * plain javascript object, every property of that object will also be set. * @param dictionary {Record<string, unknown>} The target dictionary * @param key {string} The given key * @param value {unknown} The given value * @param references {WeakSet<Record<string, unknown>>} references is a WeakSet * instance used to keep track of which objects have already been iterated * through preventing thus possible stack overflows caused by cyclic references * @returns {boolean} Returns true if every given key-value pair has been * successfully set */ function set( dictionary: Record<string, unknown>, key: string, value: unknown, references: WeakSet<Record<string, unknown>> ): boolean { if (isValidKey(key)) { if (isPlainObject(value)) { return setAll( dictionary, key, value as Record<string, unknown>, references instanceof WeakSet ? references : new WeakSet() ); } dictionary[key] = value; return true; } return false; } function get(dictionary: Record<string, unknown>, key: string): unknown { return dictionary[key]; } /** * Make sure the -provided key correctly formatted. * e.g.: * "" (valid) * "" (invalid) * "" (invalid) * "" (invalid) * @param key {string} The property name to be used as key within the internal * dictionary * @returns {boolean} True on success, false otherwise */ function isValidKey(key: string): boolean { let last: number, current: number, previous: number; Iif (typeof key !== 'string' || (last = key.length - 1) < 0) { return false; } previous = -1; while ((current = key.indexOf('.', previous + 1)) >= 0) { if (current - previous < 2 || current === last) { return false; } previous = current; } return true; } function isPlainObject(subject: unknown) { if (typeof subject === 'object' && subject !== null) { const prototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(subject); Eif (prototype === Object.prototype || prototype === null) { return true; } } return false; } function deepSet(context, key, value) { const separator = key.indexOf('.'); if (separator >= 0) { const subKey = key.slice(0, separator); let subContext = context[subKey]; if (typeof subContext !== 'object' || subContext === null) { const subContextValue = subContext; subContext = {}; if (typeof subContextValue !== 'undefined') { subContext[''] = subContextValue; } context[subKey] = subContext; } deepSet(subContext, key.slice(separator + 1, key.length), value); } else { context[key] = value; } } /** * Initial Settings for the repository */ Settings.getDefaultSettings().set('useCursors', true); |