All files / packages/core/src/RenderingEngine/helpers getOrCreateCanvas.ts

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const VIEWPORT_ELEMENT = 'viewport-element';
const CANVAS_CSS_CLASS = 'cornerstone-canvas';
export const EPSILON = 1e-4;
 * Create a canvas and append it to the element
 * @param element - An HTML Element
 * @returns canvas - A Canvas DOM element
function createCanvas(element: Element | HTMLDivElement): HTMLCanvasElement {
  const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'absolute'; = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'pixelated';
  return canvas;
 * Creates an internal div that will contain canvas and SVG layer as children
 * @param element - An HTML Element
 * @returns div Cornerstone internal div that will include the canvas and SVG
 * as its children
export function createViewportElement(element: HTMLDivElement): HTMLDivElement {
  const div = document.createElement('div'); = 'relative'; = '100%'; = '100%';
  // Hide any canvas elements not viewable = 'hidden';
  return div;
 * Create a canvas or returns the one that already exists for a given element.
 * It first checks if the element has a canvas, if not it creates one and returns it.
 * The canvas is updated for:
 *   1. width/height in screen pixels to completely cover the div element
 *   2. CSS width/height in CSS pixels to be the size of the physical screen pixels
 *      width and height (from #1)
 * This allows drawing to the canvas and having pixel perfect/exact drawing to
 * the physical screen pixels.
 * @param element - An HTML Element
 * @returns canvas a Canvas DOM element
export default function getOrCreateCanvas(
  element: HTMLDivElement
): HTMLCanvasElement {
  const canvasSelector = `canvas.${CANVAS_CSS_CLASS}`;
  const viewportElement = `div.${VIEWPORT_ELEMENT}`;
  // Internal div with `relative` positioning to enable absolute positioning
  // of the canvas and svg layer.
  const internalDiv =
    element.querySelector(viewportElement) || createViewportElement(element);
  const canvas = (internalDiv.querySelector(canvasSelector) ||
    createCanvas(internalDiv)) as HTMLCanvasElement;
  // Fit the canvas into the div
  const rect = internalDiv.getBoundingClientRect();
  const devicePixelRatio = window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
  // The width/height is the number of physical pixels which will completely
  // cover the div so that no pixels, fractional or full are left uncovered.
  // Thus, it is the ceiling of the CSS size times the physical pixels.
  // In theory, the physical pixels can be offset from CSS pixels, but in practice
  // this hasn't been observed.
  const width = Math.ceil(rect.width * devicePixelRatio);
  const height = Math.ceil(rect.height * devicePixelRatio);
  canvas.width = width;
  canvas.height = height;
  // Reset the size of the canvas to be the number of physical pixels,
  // expressed as CSS pixels, with a tiny extra amount to prevent clipping
  // to the next lower size in the physical display. = (width + EPSILON) / devicePixelRatio + 'px'; = (height + EPSILON) / devicePixelRatio + 'px';
  return canvas;