All files / packages/core/src/loaders ProgressiveRetrieveImages.ts

3.22% Statements 4/124
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3.3% Lines 4/121

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import {
} from '../types';
import singleRetrieveStages from './configuration/singleRetrieve';
import sequentialRetrieveStages from './configuration/sequentialRetrieve';
import interleavedRetrieveStages from './configuration/interleavedRetrieve';
import { loadAndCacheImage } from './imageLoader';
import { triggerEvent, ProgressiveIterator, decimate } from '../utilities';
import imageLoadPoolManager from '../requestPool/imageLoadPoolManager';
import { ImageQualityStatus, RequestType, Events } from '../enums';
import cache from '../cache';
import eventTarget from '../eventTarget';
import { fillNearbyFrames } from './fillNearbyFrames';
export {
type StageStatus = {
  stageId: string;
  // startTime is the overall start of loading a given image id
  startTime?: number;
  // stageStartTime is the time to start loading this stage item
  stageStartTime?: number;
  totalImageCount: number;
  imageLoadFailedCount: number;
  imageLoadPendingCount: number;
 * A nearby request is a request that can be fulfilled by copying another image
export type NearbyRequest = {
  // The item id to fill
  itemId: string;
  linearId?: string;
  // The new status of the filled image (will only fill if the existing status
  // is less than this one)
  imageQualityStatus: ImageQualityStatus;
export type ProgressiveRequest = {
  imageId: string;
  stage: RetrieveStage;
  next?: ProgressiveRequest;
   * Nearby requests are a set of requests for filling nearby images which
   * could be filled by using this image as a copied image to generate the
   * nearby data as a low-resolution alternative image.
  nearbyRequests?: NearbyRequest[];
 * A progressive loader is given some number of images to load,
 * and calls a success or failure callback some number of times in some
 * ordering, possibly calling back multiple times.
 * This allows the progressive loader to be configured for different setups
 * and to return render results for various images.
 * When used by the a stack viewport, the progressive loader can return multiple
 * representations to the viewport, replacing earlier/more lossy versions with better ones.
 * When used by a streaming loader, the progressive loader can change the ordering
 * of the rendering to retrieve high priority images first, and the lower priority
 * images later to provide a complete final rendering.
 * Requests are held in a queue, such that subsequent requests for a given
 * image can be cancelled or ensured to be not initiated until the higher
 * priority image sets have been completed.
 * This loader is also used for the base streamimg image volume, configured with
 * a minimal interleaved load order, combined with filling nearby volume slices
 * on load, resulting in much faster initial apparent display.
 * The loader will load images from existing cached images, cached volumes, and
 * from other nearby images or one or more calls to back end services.
 * @param imageIds - the set of images to load.  For a volume, these should be
 *                   ordered from top to bottom.
 * @param listener - has success and failure callbacks to listen for image deliver events, and may
 *                   have a getTargetOptions to get information on the retrieve
 * @param retrieveOptions - is a set of retrieve options to use
export class ProgressiveRetrieveImages
  implements IImagesLoader, IRetrieveConfiguration
  public static createProgressive = createProgressive;
  public static interleavedRetrieveStages = {
    stages: interleavedRetrieveStages,
  public static singleRetrieveStages = {
    stages: singleRetrieveStages,
  public static sequentialRetrieveStages = {
    stages: sequentialRetrieveStages,
  stages: RetrieveStage[];
  retrieveOptions: Record<string, RetrieveOptions>;
  constructor(imageRetrieveConfiguration: IRetrieveConfiguration) {
    this.stages = imageRetrieveConfiguration.stages || singleRetrieveStages;
    this.retrieveOptions = imageRetrieveConfiguration.retrieveOptions || {};
  public loadImages(imageIds: string[], listener: ImageLoadListener) {
    const instance = new ProgressiveRetrieveImagesInstance(
    return instance.loadImages();
class ProgressiveRetrieveImagesInstance {
  imageIds: string[];
  listener: ImageLoadListener;
  stages: RetrieveStage[];
  retrieveOptions: Record<string, RetrieveOptions>;
  outstandingRequests = 0;
  stageStatusMap = new Map<string, StageStatus>();
  imageQualityStatusMap = new Map<string, ImageQualityStatus>();
  displayedIterator = new ProgressiveIterator<void | IImage>('displayed');
  constructor(configuration: IRetrieveConfiguration, imageIds, listener) {
    this.stages = configuration.stages;
    this.retrieveOptions = configuration.retrieveOptions;
    this.imageIds = imageIds;
    this.listener = listener;
  public async loadImages() {
    // The actual function is to just setup the interleave and add the
    // requests, with all the actual work being handled by the nested functions
    const interleaved = this.createStageRequests();
    this.outstandingRequests = interleaved.length;
    for (const request of interleaved) {
    if (this.outstandingRequests === 0) {
      return Promise.resolve(null);
    return this.displayedIterator.getDonePromise();
  protected sendRequest(request, options) {
    const { imageId, next } = request;
    const errorCallback = (reason, done) => {
      this.listener.errorCallback(imageId, complete || !next, reason);
      if (done) {
        this.updateStageStatus(request.stage, reason);
    const loadedPromise = (options.loader || loadAndCacheImage)(
    const uncompressedIterator =;
    let complete = false;
      .forEach(async (image, done) => {
        const oldStatus = this.imageQualityStatusMap.get(imageId);
        if (!image) {
          console.warn('No image retrieved', imageId);
        const { imageQualityStatus } = image;
        complete ||= imageQualityStatus === ImageQualityStatus.FULL_RESOLUTION;
        if (oldStatus !== undefined && oldStatus > imageQualityStatus) {
          // We already have a better status, so don't update it
          this.updateStageStatus(request.stage, null, true);
        this.listener.successCallback(imageId, image);
        this.imageQualityStatusMap.set(imageId, imageQualityStatus);
        if (done) {
      }, errorCallback)
      .finally(() => {
        if (!complete && next) {
          if (cache.getImageLoadObject(imageId)) {
          this.addRequest(next, options.streamingData);
        } else {
          if (!complete) {
            this.listener.errorCallback(imageId, true, "Couldn't decode");
          for (let skip = next; skip; skip = {
            this.updateStageStatus(skip.stage, null, true);
        if (this.outstandingRequests <= 0) {
    const doneLoad = uncompressedIterator.getDonePromise();
    // Errors already handled above in the callback
    return doneLoad.catch((e) => null);
  /** Adds a rquest to the image load pool manager */
  protected addRequest(request, streamingData = {}) {
    const { imageId, stage } = request;
    const baseOptions = this.listener.getLoaderImageOptions(imageId);
    if (!baseOptions) {
      // Image no longer of interest
    const { retrieveType = 'default' } = stage;
    const { retrieveOptions: keyedRetrieveOptions } = this;
    const retrieveOptions =
      keyedRetrieveOptions[retrieveType] || keyedRetrieveOptions.default;
    const options = {
    const priority = stage.priority ?? -5;
    const requestType = stage.requestType || RequestType.Interaction;
    const additionalDetails = { imageId };
      this.sendRequest.bind(this, request, options),
  protected updateStageStatus(stage, failure?, skipped = false) {
    const { id } = stage;
    const stageStatus = this.stageStatusMap.get(id);
    if (!stageStatus) {
    if (failure) {
    } else if (!skipped) {
    if (!skipped && !stageStatus.stageStartTime) {
      stageStatus.stageStartTime =;
    if (!stageStatus.imageLoadPendingCount) {
      const {
        imageLoadFailedCount: numberOfFailures,
        totalImageCount: numberOfImages,
        stageStartTime =,
      } = stageStatus;
      const detail: EventTypes.ImageLoadStageEventDetail = {
        stageId: id,
        stageDurationInMS: stageStartTime ? - stageStartTime : null,
        startDurationInMS: - startTime,
      triggerEvent(eventTarget, Events.IMAGE_RETRIEVAL_STAGE, detail);
  /** Interleaves the values according to the stages definition */
  protected createStageRequests() {
    const interleaved = new Array<ProgressiveRequest>();
    // Maps image id to the LAST progressive request - to allow tail append
    const imageRequests = new Map<string, ProgressiveRequest>();
    const addStageInstance = (stage, position) => {
      const index =
        position < 0
          ? this.imageIds.length + position
          : position < 1
          ? Math.floor((this.imageIds.length - 1) * position)
          : position;
      const imageId = this.imageIds[index];
      if (!imageId) {
        throw new Error(`No value found to add to requests at ${position}`);
      const request: ProgressiveRequest = {
        nearbyRequests: this.findNearbyRequests(index, stage),
      const existingRequest = imageRequests.get(imageId);
      if (existingRequest) { = request;
      } else {
      imageRequests.set(imageId, request);
    for (const stage of this.stages) {
      const indices =
        stage.positions ||
        decimate(this.imageIds, stage.decimate || 1, stage.offset ?? 0);
      indices.forEach((index) => addStageInstance(stage, index));
    return interleaved;
   * Finds nearby requests to fulfill to show the merge information earlier.
   * @param index - to use as the base value
   * @param imageIds - set of image ids to request
   * @param stage - to find information from
   * @returns Array of nearby frames to fill when the main stage is done
  protected findNearbyRequests(index: number, stage): NearbyRequest[] {
    const nearby = new Array<NearbyRequest>();
    if (!stage.nearbyFrames) {
      return nearby;
    for (const nearbyItem of stage.nearbyFrames) {
      const nearbyIndex = index + nearbyItem.offset;
      if (nearbyIndex < 0 || nearbyIndex >= this.imageIds.length) {
        itemId: this.imageIds[nearbyIndex],
        imageQualityStatus: nearbyItem.imageQualityStatus,
    return nearby;
  protected addStageStatus(stage) {
    const { id } = stage;
    const stageStatus = this.stageStatusMap.get(id) || {
      stageId: id,
      stageStartTime: null,
      totalImageCount: 0,
      imageLoadFailedCount: 0,
      imageLoadPendingCount: 0,
    this.stageStatusMap.set(id, stageStatus);
    return stageStatus;
export function createProgressive(configuration: IRetrieveConfiguration) {
  return new ProgressiveRetrieveImages(configuration);
export default ProgressiveRetrieveImages;