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The canvas is not added to the // document itself, so it is never displayed in the // browser window. const canvas = document.createElement('canvas'); // Get WebGLRenderingContext from canvas element. const gl = canvas.getContext('webgl2') || canvas.getContext('webgl') || canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl'); return gl; } // function _hasActiveWebGLContext() { const gl = _getGLContext(); // Check if the context is either WebGLRenderingContext or WebGL2RenderingContext return ( gl instanceof WebGLRenderingContext || gl instanceof WebGL2RenderingContext ); } function hasSharedArrayBuffer() { try { /*eslint-disable no-constant-condition */ if (new SharedArrayBuffer(0)) { return true; } else { return false; } } catch { return false; } } function _hasNorm16TextureSupport() { const gl = _getGLContext(); if (gl) { const ext = (gl as WebGL2RenderingContext).getExtension( 'EXT_texture_norm16' ); if (ext) { return true; } } return false; } function isIOS() { Iif (/iPad|iPhone|iPod/.test(navigator.platform)) { return true; } else { return ( navigator.maxTouchPoints && navigator.maxTouchPoints > 2 && /MacIntel/.test(navigator.platform) ); } } /** * Initialize the cornerstone-core. If the browser has a webgl context and * the detected gpu (by detect-gpu library) indicates the GPU is not low end we * will use webgl GPU rendering. Otherwise we will use cpu rendering. * * @param configuration - A configuration object * @returns A promise that resolves to true cornerstone has been initialized successfully. * @category Initialization */ async function init(configuration = config): Promise<boolean> { Eif (csRenderInitialized) { return csRenderInitialized; } // merge configs config = deepMerge(defaultConfig, configuration); if (isIOS()) { // iOS devices don't have support for OES_texture_float_linear // and thus we should use native data type if we are on iOS config.rendering.useNorm16Texture = _hasNorm16TextureSupport(); if (!config.rendering.useNorm16Texture) { if (configuration.rendering?.preferSizeOverAccuracy) { config.rendering.preferSizeOverAccuracy = true; } else { console.log( 'norm16 texture not supported, you can turn on the preferSizeOverAccuracy flag to use native data type, but be aware of the inaccuracy of the rendering in high bits' ); } } } // gpuTier const hasWebGLContext = _hasActiveWebGLContext(); if (!hasWebGLContext) { console.log('CornerstoneRender: GPU not detected, using CPU rendering'); config.rendering.useCPURendering = true; } else { config.gpuTier = config.gpuTier || (await getGPUTier(config.detectGPUConfig)); console.log( 'CornerstoneRender: Using detect-gpu to get the GPU benchmark:', config.gpuTier ); if (config.gpuTier?.tier < 1) { console.log( 'CornerstoneRender: GPU is not powerful enough, using CPU rendering' ); config.rendering.useCPURendering = true; } else { console.log('CornerstoneRender: using GPU rendering'); } } setUseSharedArrayBuffer(sharedArrayBufferMode); csRenderInitialized = true; if (!webWorkerManager) { webWorkerManager = new CentralizedWebWorkerManager(); } return csRenderInitialized; } /** * It sets the useCPURenderingOnlyForDebugOrTests variable to the status value. * This only should be used for debugging or tests. DO NOT USE IT IF YOU ARE NOT * SURE WHAT YOU ARE DOING. * @param status - boolean * @category Initialization * */ function setUseCPURendering(status: boolean): void { config.rendering.useCPURendering = status; csRenderInitialized = true; _updateRenderingPipelinesForAllViewports(); } function setPreferSizeOverAccuracy(status: boolean): void { config.rendering.preferSizeOverAccuracy = status; csRenderInitialized = true; _updateRenderingPipelinesForAllViewports(); } /** * Only IPhone IOS cannot render float textures right now due to the lack of support for OES_texture_float_linear. * So we should not use float textures on IOS devices. */ function canRenderFloatTextures(): boolean { Eif (!isIOS()) { return true; } return false; } /** * Resets the cornerstone-core init state if it has been manually * initialized to force use the cpu rendering (e.g., for tests) * @category Initialization * */ function resetUseCPURendering(): void { config.rendering.useCPURendering = !_hasActiveWebGLContext(); _updateRenderingPipelinesForAllViewports(); } /** * Returns whether or not we are using CPU rendering. * @returns true if we are using CPU rendering. * @category Initialization * */ function getShouldUseCPURendering(): boolean { return config.rendering.useCPURendering; } function setUseSharedArrayBuffer(mode: SharedArrayBufferModes | boolean): void { if (mode == SharedArrayBufferModes.AUTO) { sharedArrayBufferMode = SharedArrayBufferModes.AUTO; const hasSharedBuffer = hasSharedArrayBuffer(); if (!hasSharedBuffer) { useSharedArrayBuffer = false; console.warn( `CornerstoneRender: SharedArray Buffer not allowed, performance may be slower. Try ensuring page is cross-origin isolated to enable SharedArrayBuffer.` ); } else { useSharedArrayBuffer = true; // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('CornerstoneRender: using SharedArrayBuffer'); } return; } if (mode == SharedArrayBufferModes.TRUE || mode == true) { sharedArrayBufferMode = SharedArrayBufferModes.TRUE; useSharedArrayBuffer = true; return; } if (mode == SharedArrayBufferModes.FALSE || mode == false) { sharedArrayBufferMode = SharedArrayBufferModes.FALSE; useSharedArrayBuffer = false; return; } } function resetUseSharedArrayBuffer(): void { setUseSharedArrayBuffer(sharedArrayBufferMode); } function getShouldUseSharedArrayBuffer(): boolean { return useSharedArrayBuffer; } /** * * Returns whether or not cornerstone-core has been initialized. * @returns true if the cornerstone render has been initialized. * @category Initialization * */ function isCornerstoneInitialized(): boolean { return csRenderInitialized; } /** * This function returns a copy of the config object. This is used to prevent the * config object from being modified by other parts of the program. * @returns A copy of the config object. */ function getConfiguration(): Cornerstone3DConfig { // return a copy // return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(config)); return config; } function setConfiguration(c: Cornerstone3DConfig) { config = c; _updateRenderingPipelinesForAllViewports(); } /** * Update rendering pipelines for all viewports in all rendering engines. * @returns {void} * @category Initialization */ function _updateRenderingPipelinesForAllViewports(): void { getRenderingEngines().forEach((engine) => engine .getViewports() .forEach((viewport) => viewport.updateRenderingPipeline?.()) ); } function getWebWorkerManager() { if (!webWorkerManager) { webWorkerManager = new CentralizedWebWorkerManager(); } return webWorkerManager; } export { init, getShouldUseCPURendering, getShouldUseSharedArrayBuffer, isCornerstoneInitialized, setUseCPURendering, setUseSharedArrayBuffer, setPreferSizeOverAccuracy, resetUseCPURendering, resetUseSharedArrayBuffer, getConfiguration, setConfiguration, getWebWorkerManager, canRenderFloatTextures, }; |