All files / packages/core/src/enums MetadataModules.ts

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 * Contains the names for the metadata modules.
 * Recommendation is to add all module names here rather than having them
 * just use string names.
 * The naming convention is that the enum has the modules in it, so the
 * enum key does not repeat the Modules, but the enum value does (to agree
 * with existing naming conventions)
enum MetadataModules {
  CALIBRATION = 'calibrationModule',
  CINE = 'cineModule',
  GENERAL_IMAGE = 'generalImageModule',
  GENERAL_SERIES = 'generalSeriesModule',
  GENERAL_STUDY = 'generalStudyModule',
  IMAGE_PIXEL = 'imagePixelModule',
  IMAGE_PLANE = 'imagePlaneModule',
  IMAGE_URL = 'imageUrlModule',
  MODALITY_LUT = 'modalityLutModule',
  MULTIFRAME = 'multiframeModule',
  NM_MULTIFRAME_GEOMETRY = 'nmMultiframeGeometryModule',
  OVERLAY_PLANE = 'overlayPlaneModule',
  PATIENT = 'patientModule',
  PATIENT_STUDY = 'patientStudyModule',
  PET_IMAGE = 'petImageModule',
  PET_ISOTOPE = 'petIsotopeModule',
  PET_SERIES = 'petSeriesModule',
  SOP_COMMON = 'sopCommonModule',
  ULTRASOUND_ENHANCED_REGION = 'ultrasoundEnhancedRegionModule',
  VOI_LUT = 'voiLutModule',
   * Some modules need direct access to a web client.  This allows getting
   * it as metadata in order to get it generically.
  WEB_CLIENT = 'webClient',
export default MetadataModules;